2 ships connected by (killing) lazer.
Manouver ships (solo or as duo) to avoid enemies/obstacles and destroy them for points.
Vertical auto-scroller.
- WASD + IJKL (rebindable?).
- Dual stick (pad or visual-touch).
Must have:
- Movement (figure out if vertical movement is fun/needed).
- Killing LAAAZORRRZ *ZAP* (trigger that changes size/rotation between ships, kills on touch).
- Obstacles (astroids).
- Menu
Should have:
- Enemies (with move-paterns).
- Powerups
- Leaderboard (local).
Could have:
- Bossfight (sequence of move-paterns).
- Shop to buy upgrades.
- Online-multiplayer.
- Online leaderboard (facebook for example).
- Endless mode.
Won't have:
Win state:
- Complete the level!
- (Get the highest score.)
Lose state:
- Lose all health points (3 hits for example).